Welcome to Dev striker

Nishat aka Dev Striker is a content creator and enginner based in London. Aim to share simple and fun project based learning tutorials.


Nishat founder of Dev Striker is a part-time content creator based in the London, United Kingdom. Dev Striker online content aims to help people find their way through thecomputational complexity of software and hardware engineering by taking about methodology and best practices.


Nishat creates YouTube videos about Software/Hardware Engineering, tech career, advice and lifestyle. Dev Strike mission is to help aspiring Software Engineers find their way through the tech industry.


In Nishat's four years as a Software/Hardware/Analyst/System Architect Enginner, found passion in creating product that help people through creating business solutions and working closely together with product and design experts.


Text Editor Vim VSCode
IDE PyCharm
Theme Just Black (VSCode)
Font Anonymous Pro
Setup MacBook Air M1, 16GB, 512GB
Gear AirPod